September 2020

Introducing our new Executive Director A note from the MACLT Board Vice President: Good Afternoon, I am excited to announce that as of September 28, 2020, Dr. Olivia R. Williams will be the new Executive Director of The Madison Area Community Land Trust (MACLT)!  Olivia has been involved with MACLT for over a year, first […]

August 2020

MACLT’s commitment to racial justice Madison Area Community Land Trust believes housing is a human right and a necessary source of stability. Black lives matter, so Black housing matters and Black land matters. Community land trusts played a critical role in protecting Black rights to land in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, and […]

July 2020

Join us at our Annual Meeting 2020 Open to all! Come learn how you can contribute and build partnerships with us!What kinds of neighborhoods do you want to have in Madison? Who do you want to see making decisions about land and housing? Pitch your ideas for partnerships with us: educational events and panels, land […]

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