July 2020

Join us at our Annual Meeting 2020

Open to all!

Come learn how you can contribute and build partnerships with us!What kinds of neighborhoods do you want to have in Madison? Who do you want to see making decisions about land and housing? Pitch your ideas for partnerships with us: educational events and panels, land acquisition deals, neighborhood organizing, et cetera.

Come to our Annual Membership Meeting July 27th at 5:30pm to learn more! We are looking for community members to help us fulfill our mission!

We are also seeking community members to join our membership and help build our local CLT movement!

To join, fill out this survey and make an annual donation of any amount.

As a member, you have the right to sit on our board or a committee, and influence the work around land acquisition and stewardship in Madison

Come learn more at our Annual Meeting

The Zoom meeting on Mon, July 27th with be 5pm – 7:30pm
Agenda will include:
-History of the CLT movement
-Possibilities for MACLT at this moment
-Board elections: 3-yr term renewals and new nominations
-Ideas for building partnerships
-Visioning for the kind of Madison you want to see

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 821 7813 5492One tap mobile
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