What’s so great about CLTs?
Preserving subsidy for greater impact: We have used public dollars from the City of Madison to preserve affordability for over 62 homes in Madison, but the impact goes beyond the first buyers of those homes. MACLT has enabled over 123 low-income families to access affordable homes. We have already doubled the impact of public dollars invested into the CLT, and […]
New Resale Formula
Hey, exciting news to share! MACLT has a new resale formula for homeowners. Those with the older formula in their ground lease will have the choice between the new and old formulas when they sell, and all new sales will be under the new formula only. The new formula is meant to be easier for homeowners and […]
2022 Annual Report
Grounded Solutions Network recently launched a new interactive map of CLTs and Shared Equity Entities
Grounded Solutions Network has recently launched an interactive map that provides a detailed overview of the national population of Community Land Trusts and Nonprofits with Shared Equity Homeownership. Check out the interactive map linked below! CLT/SE Census Dashboard (arcgis.com)