December 2020

2020 was rough for many. Can you donate to support permanently-affordable housing?

The year 2020 has been hard, for lots of people. As we at MACLT chug along, we try to be there for our current residents (many of whom have home maintenance needs) as we also attempt to expand to offer more permanently-affordable housing opportunities in Madison. You might have noticed that the housing market is WILD this year — there are reports of rent renewals coming with $200 increases, while cash offers on the home-buying market are accepted days after listing. The median home sale price in the City of Madison is over $300,000, while the number of homeless individuals and those at risk for eviction is higher than ever.

If you have extra money to spare this holiday season, please consider giving to MACLT. We have been doing a lot of work this year to re-birth ourselves on a shoestring budget. We are an organization run by donations, grants, and member groundlease fees. Your donation allows us to better steward our properties and to take more land permanently off of the commodity market to keep it perpetually affordable in the community. 

Our next project is to rehabilitate 4 homes on the Northside to keep them permanently affordable, with added accessibility features and energy-efficient appliances for the families who need them. Because MACLT stewards the homes over multiple generations of homeowners, making quality improvements to the houses is a priority. 

To make all of this rehab work happen up to the high standards we want to achieve, we will need about $10,000 more per home! We’re that asking if you have extra $$ to spare, send some our way this giving season to help us meet our $40,000 goal!

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