Join us for Giving Tuesday on December 3rd!

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 we’re asking our community to stand with us in the fight for equitable access to affordable homeownership. With supporters like you, we’re preserving urban space for community use and creating permanently affordable homeownership opportunities for those most affected by the skyrocketing housing market. PS: You don’t have to wait until […]
Groundbreaking on four new homes in the Owl Creek Neighborhood

Madison Area Community Land Trust and developer partner, Kaba Bah, broke ground on 4 units on Great Gray Drive in the Owl Creek neighborhood last week. These units have already sold to families making below 80% of the area’s median income, and will remain affordable in perpetuity. As Executive Director, Olivia Williams, said at the […]
Are you looking to make a difference in your community? Volunteer at MACLT!

MACLT offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for people passionate about affordable housing and community development. Whether you have a few hours to spare or want to commit long-term, there’s a role for you. Fill out our volunteer interest form today and join a community of changemakers. Current volunteer opportunities with MACLT: Tabling at Local […]
Our minor home repair fund has been in full swing!

What’s so great about CLTs?

Preserving subsidy for greater impact: We have used public dollars from the City of Madison to preserve affordability for over 62 homes in Madison, but the impact goes beyond the first buyers of those homes. MACLT has enabled over 123 low-income families to access affordable homes. We have already doubled the impact of public dollars invested into the CLT, and […]