Highlighting all the media coverage featuring the Madison Area Community Land Trust (MACLT). Here, you’ll find links to news articles, videos, and other media sources that showcase our work and mission in action. It’s your go-to resource for staying informed about how MACLT is making a difference in our community.

More Wisconsin communities are eyeing land trusts as an avenue for low-cost homeownership

Madison must commit to permanently affordable housing
Madison must commit to permanently affordable housing – Tone Madison

How to actually solve Madison’s housing crisis
How to actually solve Madison’s housing crisis – Tone Madison

The City of Madison breaks ground on development on Madison’s southeast side
MADISON, Wis. — The City of Madison broke ground of a “Missing Middle,” development on Madison’s southeast side Thursday. CHANNEL 3000: The development was made

Officials break ground on Owl Creek townhomes
By Benjamin CadiganPublished: Oct. 3, 2024 at 7:30 PM CDT MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) – Another project is underway to fill the “missing middle” in Madison housing.