We did it! The County Board Passed $2 Mil for MACLT on October 30 and the budget is set to be signed by the Executive this Monday. We are so grateful for all the support of our residents who wrote to the County Board to show their support and appeared at meetings to speak. The $2 million will help MACLT expand outside of the City of Madison into other parts of Dane County. The Capital Budget Amendment (HH-C-01) had several sponsors including Michael Engelberger, Heidi Wegleitner, Tommy Rylander, and Dan Blazewicz, and was recommended by the Health and Human Needs Committee and the Personnel and Finance Committee to the County Board.
“The Board heard from community members that housing costs for residents was crucial. Addressing this persistent need was a priority in budget amendments proposed by County Board Supervisors […] including $2M in new funding for the Madison Area Community Land Trust for permanent affordable home ownership.” Read more in the County’s press release: Press Releases | Dane County, Wisconsin
Click here to watch the October 15 Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting, where MACLT residents gave testimony at the following times in the meeting: 1:46:57 – 1:55:01, and 2:08:57 – 2:10:57.